The world is becoming more virtual than ever! The highlight of September is Microsoft Ignite 2020 (22-24 September) – 100% virtual which connects the IT professionals across the world with Microsoft and Community experts.
As it rightly says on the Microsoft Ignite website – Missing a session is not same as Missing out. All sessions are available on demand and you can explore and watch the sessions anytime you want. Explore the website: Myignite
That being said, we are living in a very strange time. On one end you see the uncertainty caused by a global pandemic with a continued second wave of impacts in countries that showed a flat curve and on the other hand the world is coming together to brace for impact. The governments and businesses across the world are doing their best to go through this phase and come out with as minimum impact as possible.
On Dynamics 365 Human Resources front we are entering Release 2020 Wave 2 starting from October 2020 which will last till March 2021. The product development team is already geared up with a clear roadmap and some preview features around the corner. It is focused on delivering most needed enhancements to support recruitment processes, Azure Active Directory Integration and Payroll Integrations and more…
Take care and stay safe,
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