Last day of the year 2023 and it has been a positive to end the year with successful standalone D365HR environment migrations across customers. It has been sort of a quite last quarter for Dynamics 365 Human Resources.
The optimistic side of me is looking forward to the new innovation that will be published as part of the roadmap next year already. Also, I am curious about the latest ideas being logged on the ideas portal for Human Resources workload – I will be writing the blog series ideas of the month starting from January 2024 again😊
I attended the Microsoft Ignite in The Netherlands and it was really great to learn more about Co-Pilot and all the latest innovation. Exciting…
Thanks for taking the time read the nocodehr monthly newsletter of December 2023. It is a collection of small knowledge bites that has helped me learn something new from the Microsoft community and information about the past/upcoming community events!
Hope you like it. Stay safe!

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