April and May 2023 – Finally some sun and warm weather in The Netherlands. I have been learning more about HCLTech Microsoft Business Applications practice and working with customers and prospects on the journey towards securing D365 HR Infrastructure merge. It really nice to work with all the team members and loads on learning already. Looking forward to the coming period.
I have had my first work travel in almost 3 years to London. I have to admit I needed a lot more preperation than the pre-covid days. I enjoyed meeting everybody in person, laughed a lot, amazing conversations and learning in a short period. It was a major change for my 5 year old daughter to see that daddy travels for work – but she really loved the books I got from the London airport😍
Its really exciting to follow all the announcements from Microsoft Build 2023, the nice thing is to be able to follow them at your own pace from all the recordings.
Thanks for taking the time read the nocodehr monthly newsletter of April/May 2023. It is a collection of small knowledge bites that has helped me learn something new from the Microsoft community and information about the past/upcoming community events!
Hope you like it. Stay safe!

Updates from Microsoft
Introducting Microsoft Fabric

Updates from the community
Click on the images to access the amazing content from the community!

Join the community events!
Power Addicts NL Live @ Macaw

Want to know more about Dynamics 365 Human Resources, Power Platform, Microsoft Certifications… Stay tuned and subscribe to my blog😀:
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