πŸ”—D365HR Teams app: Add filter criteria

πŸ”—D365HR Teams app: View indirect reports

The Leave and absence capability on Dynamics 365 Human Resources has been enhanced significantly as part of release 2020 wave 1 and will continue as a front runner to have some more cool features in wave 2. Two areas that improve the employee experience in this area are Calendar functionality on Employee and Manager Self Service and D365HR Teams app.

Both of them are already amazing and good as they are now but I logged 2 news ideas to enhance the capability on the D365HR Teams app to keep it in sync with the calendar functionality on Manager Self Service.

  • Add filter criteria
  • View indirect reports for a manager

Adding this capability would help the manager experience be in sync between D365HR Teams app and Manager Self Service.

πŸ”—Control the number of decimal places on compensation – sometimes less is more!

In all my time as a Digital HR transformation consultant helping customers adopt Dynamics 365 Human Resources, this has been one request that comes up every time. The compensation data on Dynamics 365 Human Resources stores and displays 4 decimal places due to the fact this data is used in compensation processes and would have to be accurate in the calculations.

When customers request if there is a way to control how many decimal places are displayed, I have to say “Unfortunately no, but it makes it more accurateπŸ˜€”. This is one of the things that is very good to support accurate compensation calculations but sometimes less is more and customers love that!

So the idea logged if implemented should be able to control the number of decimal places that will be stored and displayed for compensation related data. It would be really good to have the flexibility for customers to choose this based on what is logical for their organization.

πŸ”—Position hierarchy “As of date”

Position hierarchy on screen is one of the things I like and many of the customers are happy with. (Well, it can be better if there was a button to print it on a large A3 size paper… but visio can rescue us from that… anyways this is a story for another time)

But the obvious thing that is missing on Position hierarchy at the moment in “As of date” field that can be selected to view the hierarchy as of a particular date which is available on Positions form. So this leads to a limitation that we are looking the latest position hierarchy all the time on the application which will make it one of those things you like and not like at the same time😞

Anyway the idea is to make this have historical capability where you can see the evolution in an organizations position hierarchy over a period of time. This would drive immense business value to HR teams.

Thanks to Majken Touborg for submitting the idea!

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