Please read my related LinkedIn article to know more about Titles.
Dynamics 365 for Talent supports to capture Titles against Jobs, Positions and Employee. This blog explains one of the approaches towards using the title related fields on Talent. This may be adopted differently based on the needs of the organization.

D365HR Employee Name related Titles

We can capture the following against the employee’s name:

  • Personal title: Mr. Ms. Mrs.
  • Personal suffix: Jr. Sr. I II III

Both are extendable drop down lists that can be configured based on the needs of the organization.

D365HR Employee Professional Title

If we need to capture an employee title which is related to the employee’s position, this field can be used. For example:

  • “PMP” for a Project manager

Although this coincides with a Certification, there can be other requirements in Finance or manufacturing industry that will represent this scenario better.
Employee professional title is a extendable drop down list that can be configured based on the needs of the organization.

D365HR Job and Position titles

Please read my previous blog post #TOT 1 – What are Jobs and Positions and related LinkedIn article to know more about Jobs and Positions.
Consider a job: Project manager with a global job title as “Project manager” and having positions across the world as below:

  • Position 1 in Netherlands: NL_Project manager with position title as “Projectleider”
  • Position 2 in Sweden: SE_Project manager with position title as “Projektledare”
  • Position 3 in Poland: PL_Project manager with position title as “Menadżer Projektu”
  • Position 4 in United States: US_Project manager with position title as “Project manager”

Based on my experience across different industries, the employee titles used and displayed on the HRIS system needs to be compliant with employee contracts and countrie’s legal framework. At the same time from a global management reporting perspective it is also important to be able to aggregate the data and maintain clean and systematic naming conventions. Job and Position Title framework can support in this regard.
Employee Professional Title, Job Title and Position Title fields share a common drop down list on Talent that is extendable based on the needs of the organization.
The below screenshots highlight the Title fields on Job and Position and also how the Position title will be visible on Employee Self Service.

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